Climbing the career ladder?
Congrats, you just heard you’re on track for a step change in your career! Now what?
We all know that thrill of being asked to take up a new function. But, while feeling energized and fulfilled, a career change can also be a daunting trial. Dealing with transition and complexity requires a set of leadership skills and the ability to strategize the right way. It entails learning but also rethinking and unlearning. It demands awareness for bias and improved judgement, and it involves managing paradoxes.
In this seminar, AMS Professors Steven Poelmans and Geert Scheipers will show you how to deal with these challenges. They will help you translate recent academic insights into successful leadership in times of transition, ambiguity and uncertainty.
• What is a good definition of strategy under complexity and what makes it so?
• How can you develop the right routines to thrive in complexity?
• What does this mean in terms of leadership and managing paradoxes?
• What are effective self-leadership techniques to deal with stress and anxiety?
Building on both recent findings from academia and our vast experience, we’ll provide you with fresh insights that help you thrive in complexity and deliver on your new mission.
This seminar highlights some of the content of our unique advanced management program Business Strategy and Leadership. Find out more on our website.
Geert Scheipers has 25 years of experience in strategy, management control & performance management. His expertise is situated in the field of strategy & policy, organizational optimization, management control systems and processes, digital transformation, performance and risk management.
Geert encourages executives and students to broaden their view on strategy and management, combining a practice in management consulting with an academic assignment.

Practical information
Date: Monday September 13, 11.00 AM - 12.30 PM
Participation is free, registration is required.