Managing strategy in uncertain times
Challenges of a black swan
The gravity and the impact of the COVID-19 crisis took us all by surprise. Our lives, the way we interact, and the way we work have been significantly impacted by the effects of the coronavirus that indiscriminately hit the world’s population at the beginning of 2020. As such, it was a textbook example of a black swan: an event that comes seemingly out of the blue, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight.
For leaders, these complex times come with unique challenges. Some find themselves confronted with unparalleled issues, while for others the crisis involves strengthening their existing routines. In this seminar, we will discuss the existing paradigms in terms of strategy and leadership and uncover the sets of routines that allow organizations to be successful in good times but that are less adequate in times of crisis and ambiguity.
• What is a good strategy under complexity and what makes it good?
• What can you do to develop the right routines to thrive in complexity?
• What does this mean in terms of leadership and managing paradoxes?
• What are effective self-leadership techniques for emotional self-regulation to deal with stress and anxiety in times of crisis?
Underpinned by recent findings from academia as well as our own empirical data, we will provide you with fresh insights that will help you thrive in complexity.
About the lecturers

Geert Scheipers has 25 years of experience in the fields of 'Strategy, management control & performance management'. His expertise is situated in the field of strategy & policy, organizational optimization, management control systems and processes, digital transformation, performance and risk management.
Geert encourages executives and students to broaden their view on strategy and management, combining a practice in management consulting with an academic assignment.

Prof. dr. Steven Poelmans has been an organizational behavior and leadership professor for over 20 years at business schools in three continents. He has applied neuroscience for leadership research in his NeuroTrainingLab™, collecting and analyzing data of leaders-in-action, while collecting neurophysiologic indicators.
Steven has also trained and certified hundreds of managers and coaches in the Neuroscience of Leadership Academy, helping entrepreneurs in Spain, Chile, Peru, Belgium, and Brazil developing businesses applying neuroscience to leadership.
He has led and participated in various large-scale international collaborative studies in over 26 countries, resulting in publications in Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Organizational Behaviour, Personnel Psychology, and Journal of International Business Studies.
Practical information
Date: Monday September 21, 11.00 AM - 12.30 PM
Place: online
Participation is free, registration is required.