Online Book launch: Paradoxes of Leadership
"Leaders need brain flexibility"
What is a successful leader? This question is the basis of 'Paradoxes of leadership' by Steven Poelmans, professor of Neuroscience and Strategic Leadership (Antwerp Management School) and entrepreneur / creator of the NeuroTrainingLab™. Based on years of research, he and his team have concluded that paradoxical leadership is crucial in these rapidly changing times. Paradoxical leadership builds on, but goes beyond, situational leadership. Even in the same situation, with the same person, an effective leader knows how to switch quickly from one leadership style to another. From ruling with an iron fist to being the compassionate, understanding leader. From extremely rational decision making to listening and coaching. In just a split second. Combining the two not only requires a lot of energy, but also enormous mental flexibility. This book will help you discover how to learn and control this as a leader.
About the book
This book is written for the leaders and shapers of this new world: the ones who are clever enough to understand that in order to recreate a better world we need to become smarter than our previous selves; It is about the challenges of how we acquire and share knowledge, how we process information, how we can connect and lead people, and motivate them toward higher, common goals, in order to create collective intelligence. This book is about how to lead and interconnect people in the knowledge and service society, with the brain in mind.
About the author
Prof. dr. Steven Poelmans has been an organizational behavior and leadership professor for over 20 years at business schools in three continents. He has applied neuroscience for leadership research in his NeuroTrainingLab™, collecting and analyzing data of leaders-in-action, while collecting neurophysiologic indicators.
Steven trained and certified hundreds of managers and coaches in the Neuroscience of Leadership Academy, helping entrepreneurs in Spain, Chile, Peru, Belgium, and Brazil developing businesses applying neuroscience to leadership.

Practical information
Date and time: 16 October, 2020 - 12u30u - 14u00
Location: This event will take place online. Registration is mandatory.
Price (incl. VAT + book): 34,50 EUR
Language: this event will be conducted in English