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Faculty by topic

Ann Verhetsel, PhD

Academic director Master in Real Estate Management

Annick Schramme, PhD

Academic director Master in International Fashion Management

Ans De Vos, PhD

Chairholder SD Worx Next Generation Work: Creating Sustainable Careers, associate dean of education,  academic director Global Leadership Skills full-time master's programs

Bart Cambré, PhD

Associate dean of Research and Valorization, professor of business research methods and organizational networks

Benny podevyn 3

Benny Podevyn

Professor financial management & accounting, corporate finance and other financial topics

Caroline Dothee, PhD

Professor international negotiations

Christa Sys, PhD

Professor maritime transport, transport economics

Fabian Hänle, PhD

Professor Antwerp Management School

Geert Scheipers

Program director Master Class Business Strategy and Leadership

Griet Peeraer, PhD

Professor leadership, organizational culture & change

Hans Mulder, PhD

Professor enterprise engineering

Jan Beyne, PhD

Assistant Professor Sustainability Management

Jan Verelst, PhD

Professor information systems

Janick Fierens

Academic director Executive MBA, professor consulting methods

Karen Wouters, PhD

Program director Master Class Start to Lead, professor leadership

Kathleen Vangronsvelt, PhD

Researcher “Enabling human impact”, professor Organizational behavior & HR, assistant professor Global Leadership skills


Kim De Meulenaere, PhD

Assistant professor organization development & organizational behavior

Koen Marichal

Lecturer leadership & development

Lou Van Beirendonck 1024x6832

Lou Van Beirendonck, PhD

Academic director Master Public Governance & Leadership, program director Master Class HRM

Nathalie Vallet, Phd

Professor organization & strategic management

Patrick Verhoeven, PhD

Professor port governance and policy

Peggy De Prins, PhD

Academic director Master in Strategic Human Resource Management, researcher ‘Next Generation Work'

Peter Verhezen, PhD

Visiting professor global strategy, governance, sustainability and business in the emerging markets

Randy Priem, PhD

Professor Global Financial Markets

Raphael von Heereman, PhD

Adjunct professor aviation

Remco Lenstra

Program director Master Class Business Design Thinking

Robin De Cock, PhD

Academic director Master in Innovation & Entrepreneurship, researcher "Innovating Strategies & Operating Models"

Roel Gevaers, PhD

Academic director Master in Global Management/Global Supply Chain Management

Ron Meyer, PhD

Program director Master Class Change Management, professor strategic leadership

Sascha Albers, PhD

Academic director Master in Global Management

Seth Maenen, PhD

Program director Organizational (re)design

Sofie Jacobs, PhD

Associate professor HRM & Talent Development, Academic Director Global Leadership Program, Academic Mentor Executive PhD Program

Steffi Weil, PhD

Associate dean for International Outreach, Professor of Global Political Economy, Academic Director Executive PhD Program

Associate Professor

Domain Associate Professor

Steven De Haes, PhD

Dean of Antwerp Management School, academic director executive master's programs IT management, IT Governance & Assurance, Enterprise IT architecture, IT Risk and Cyber Security Management

Steven Poelmans, PhD

Professor leadership & organizational neuroscience

Sven Damen, PhD

Assistant-professor finance

Theo Notteboom, PhD

Professor of port and maritime economics

Tom Van Woensel, PhD

Professor supply chain management, program director Master Class Global Supply Chain & Logistics

Tristan De Blick, PhD

Academic director Master in Finance

Valentin Carlan, PhD

Professor logistics and transport

Vincent Molly, PhD

Program director Master Class Business Economics for Non-Economists, professor family business

Wayne Visser, PhD

Holder of the Chair on Sustainable Transformation, supported by BASF, Port of Antwerp and Randstad, professor integrated value

Wim Vanhaverbeke, PhD

Academic director Master in Management

Wouter Dewulf, PhD

Academic director Master in Maritime and Air Transport Management

Wouter Van Bockhaven, PhD

Professor strategy & innovation ecosystems, researcher expertise center Smart Ecosystems & Networks