June 03, 2020
Ans De Vos has been invited to join the Flemish expert committees on economic recovery & labor market
Even if we manage to control COVID-19 any time soon, the impact will be felt for a long time to come. Our economy and labor market are facing enormous challenges. Challenges that require well-founded advice. That is why the Flemish Government has set up an Economic Recovery Committee. In addition, the Flemish Minister of Labor, Hilde Crevits, has appointed a Labor Market Policy Committee. Ans De Vos, holder of the SD Worx Chair “Next generation work: Creating sustainable careers” at AMS, has been invited as an expert for both committees.
Prof. Dr Ans De Vos has been doing research on sustainable careers for more than ten years, working with both employees and companies. The key topics she focuses on are digitization, flexible working, sustainable employability, and career mobility. The knowledge she has thus built up is more relevant today than ever.
After all, the coronavirus crisis presents the economy and labor market with numerous difficult questions and complex challenges: Which industries will suffer the most? What impact will the crisis have on people who were already looking for a job? Who will be the new jobseekers? Will temporary solutions such as working from home or online learning become the new normal? And how do we learn to live with unstable labor markets?
Ans De Vos: "The coronavirus crisis is disrupting our entire economic model. This has important consequences for both companies and employees. For many, the future is more uncertain than ever. We were already facing quite some opportunities and threats before, such as working from home or vulnerable groups. The coronavirus crisis has exacerbated this situation even more. It will not do to simply fall back on the old models. We need to help employees, companies and policy makers to prepare for a new future."
To tackle the complex challenges of the post-corona economy and labor market in a well-founded manner, the Flemish Government has recently set up two expert groups. Ans De Vos was invited to participate in both:
Economic Recovery Committee
The Flemish Government wants to develop an integrated plan for a rapid and powerful economic recovery. The Economic Recovery Committee provides independent advice in this, taking into account efficiency and budgetary implications, as well as equity and sustainability. The Flemish Government appointed the following six experts: Stijn Baert, Koenraad Debackere (chairman), Marion Debruyne, Wouter De Geest, Ans De Vos and Geert Noels.
Expert Group on Labor Market Policy
The Flemish Government also wants to put in place efficient measures, levers, and recovery instruments for the labor market. These should help to absorb shocks and reduce the impact of the crisis, especially for those who are already vulnerable or at risk of becoming vulnerable. To this end, the following experts will be working together: Stijn Baert, Ans De Vos, Ive Marx, Ludo Struyven, Wim Van der Beken and Sarah Vansteenkiste.
More information?
Contact Anja Tys, Corporate Branding & Communication, anja.tys@ams.ac.be