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SD Worx Chair in Sustainable careers

SD Worx Chair in sustainable careers

Laying the groundwork for long-term career success

The partnership between Antwerp Management School (AMS) and SD Worx led to the establishment of the SD Worx Chair in Sustainable Careers in 2011. Guided by a vision to address the changing nature of work, the Chair supports organizations, individuals, and society in shaping sustainable careers that create long-term value. Its mission is to contribute to this goal through groundbreaking research and academic thought leadership, that enhance organizational performance and promote the sustainable employability of employees.

Led by Professor Ans De Vos, the Chair is grounded in longitudinal research involving organizations and their workforce, ensuring a lasting impact for businesses, policymakers, and individuals alike.

AMS SD Worx Chair Ans De Vos

Our impact after more than 12 years of research

Over the past 12 years, the SD Worx Chair in Sustainable Careers has contributed valuable insights and practical applications surrounding sustainable career development. Our research efforts have resulted in concrete outcomes, focusing on key trends and developments influencing the future of work and careers.

  • 18.000+ quotations in Google Scholar
  • XX publications in scientific magazines
  • XX Practice-oriented books & tools

Defining our research agenda

Together with SD Worx, AMS wants to shape the future of careers. The future of work demands a comprehensive strategy that looks beyond traditional talent management. By embracing a total workforce perspective, leveraging HR analytics, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and promoting sustainable career paths, organizations can adapt to the evolving needs of both employees and employers.

Our partnership with SD Worx is built on 4 key themes.

Total workforce strategy for talent and careers

The growing diversity of profiles in companies highlights the need for a total workforce perspective, beyond just payroll employees. The key challenge is making smart decisions about whether to hire, train, or outsource talent, while balancing the immediate needs of the company with the long-term impact on all involved. This includes employees, teams, external workers, and even automation like robots.

HR analytics for mapping career paths

Despite the growing focus on subjective career success and individualized career support, employees still need clarity on their career paths. As the traditional linear career model fades, HR analytics can offer valuable insights into how careers evolve, helping to create more meaningful career initiatives based on real mobility and inertia data.

Listen to the podcast about HR analytics

Building an employability-driven learning climate

While performance and productivity remain key, preparing for an unpredictable future requires balancing short-term needs with preskilling, upskilling, and reskilling. A strong learning culture that aligns individual and organizational growth with critical future skills, such as climate adaptation, is essential.

Enabling sustainable careers for all

it’s crucial to consider the varying needs of different groups (gig-workers, freelancers, multiple job holders) and ensure long-term career satisfaction and productivity through a life-stage approach. Additionally, ESG reporting must address sustainable careers across the value chain, including suppliers and subcontractors, moving beyond the core-periphery debate.

Sustainable careers are not just about individual growth, they are about creating long-term value for employees, organizations, and society as a whole.

Ans devos

— Prof. Dr. Ans De Vos

How do we turn our research into action?

Research: Actionable insights for sustainable careers
We translate research from the SD Worx Chair into practical publications that highlight trends, innovative practices, and inspiring case studies, helping organizations build sustainable career policies.

Co-Creation: Shaping the future of work together
In collaboration with partners and the University of Antwerp, we co-create a sustainable vision for the future of work, integrating multiple stakeholder perspectives to drive impactful HR solutions.

Development: Building sustainable mindsets
Through our educational programs, including tailored HR Masterclasses, we equip organizations with the latest research and tools on sustainable careers, ensuring participants can apply this knowledge in real-world settings.

AMS SD Worx Chair CEO
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Ans devos

Prof. dr. Ans De Vos, Chairholder

Function Houder van de SD Worx Leerstoel Next Generation Work: Creating Sustainable Careers, associate dean of education, academische directeur Global Leadership Skills full-time masterprogramma's
Ans devos

Prof. dr. Ans De Vos, Chairholder