Business Design & Innovation
The purpose of the project was to implement statistic models in a CAD environment to allow many businesses and service providers to develop better body-specific products (glasses, gloves, helmets, shoes, hearing aids, headsets…) based on large databases with specific and useful information.
Biotechnological body-specific products
The development of biotechnological body-specific products requires a thorough knowledge of the human body shapes and the many variations. Some examples are protective clothing, headsets and orthoses. The current design approach is based on 1D anthropometry and unrealistically scaled ISO mannequins, so they require a lot of prototyping and test iterations. With the start of the 3D scan technology, an enormous amount of 3D data became available for the product developer. Unfortunately, it isn’t clear yet how this wealth of information can be put to use for the improvement of their products. CADANS tackled this problem.
CADANS used state-of-the-art techniques to convert 3D scan databases into 3D anthropometric models that describe the 3D shape of the human body in a compact manner, using simple anthropometric measures. Subsequently, these models are made available in standard AD software to the product developer, who can use them for:
- quantitative and qualitative exploration of the 3D variation in shape and size in a target group;
- the development of one-size-fits-all products or size systems for specific target groups;
- dynamic linking of CAD designs with 3D models for simple mass customization of the product.
A TETRA project is aimed at translating scientific knowledge to the daily practice of Flemish companies, in view of the increase of their innovation potential in order to faster develop new products, services or processes.