Business Design & Innovation
Current projects (0)
Past projects (34)
The Art of Corporate Venturing
Research project on the value of collaborations between corporates and start-ups.
Tripod II
Serving transregional SMEs
Development of preincubation structures
Investigating pre-incubators as a mechanism to strengthen the valorization process of a university.
The goal of this project is to create a responsive ICT platform to research the possibilities of Spatial Augmented Reality and fully use them for application in the design process.
Office bus
The office bus is a bus in which office employees have an individual workplace, secure fast internet, usb-connections and power outlets. As soon as the employees get on board, they can start working. This turns travel time into work time.
With the Vebimobe project we researched whether it was possible to update the Flemish traffic sign database via traffic sign recognition, integrated in modern cars and smart cameras. We also researched whether the traffic sign database could serve as a basis for the integration of speed cards and sustainability cards in vehicles.
Shared trailer parking
On certain roads, freight transport companies account for a third of all traffic. They suffer tremendous damage due to the frequent congestion and traffic jams. With this project we researched whether the use of shared trailer parking lots could offer a solution.
Bikeform is an online platform that helps organizations to connect with the appropiate suppliers to offer their employees company bicycles.
With the TransMob project we researched how single payment systems can improve mobility.
Within the DYNAcity project, we studied how city mobility should look like so that travelers want and will commute more efficiently.
With the ‘Shopmob’ project, Smart Mobility researched how consumer travel behavior can be changed. The idea was to reduce peak moments in shops through better spreading in time and over different means of transportation.
Social Media for User Innovators
To identify lead users quickly and systematically, the Fast Lead User IDentification (FLUID) is proposed.
Intelligent mobiliteitsbudget
With the Smart Mobility budget, Smart Mobility researched how a mobility budget can lead to a more sustainable pattern of travel. The necessary changes in regulation were also analyzed.
Internal leverage for the creation of successful product-service systems
Translation of the available academic knowledge into a usable measuring instrument that helps companies list the internal levers they can use to make the transition to an integrated business logic. This business logic allows companies to successfully create product-service systems. This will enable product-oriented companies in Flanders to continue to distinguish themselves from cost-efficient foreign competitors.
Making freight transport and mobility of people more sustainable is a huge challenge for Flanders. Both are important pillars of our economy and prosperity. Both are facing big challenges on CO2 reduction and loss due to congestion. That is why the Flemish government started up the SBO project Urban Logistics & Mobility in July 2014. In this project Flemish universities and knowledge centers combined their expertise in these areas.
Lean Product Development
In this project we researched how the Lean improvement method and corresponding tools can be used to simplify and improve the development process, to make it more predictable, etc
Road to Growth
Guidance process for every ambitious entrepreneur who wants to reinforce their business
Valerie: Van Customer Value to Business Value
Based on customer insights, develop successful new or improved products and services that add value for the customer and generate business success for the company.
SIMON: Simultaneous development of product and business model
The goal of the “SIMON” project is to stimulate businesses in the Flemish textile, wood and furniture industry that are into product diversification, to consider a simultaneous development of product and business model.
A sequential approach, where first a product is developed and later an adjusted business model has to be developed, does not lead to good results and considerably extends the time-to-market.
Designs for small series
In this project, the project partners Industrial Design Center, Sirris and Flanders Inshape developed a design method – with supporting tools – for smaller series. This method can be used by businesses as well as students. A wide range of production techniques and materials is used. Next to the classic production methods, additive manufacturing and digital production techniques are increasingly used for the production of small series.
What if taking care of family and friends gives you credits instead of just costing money? What if our doctor would call us because our smartphone has registered a potential health issue? What if new types of living, working and society lead to less care needs? What if new, non-medical care professions such as family health advisors make their entry in the market? What if anyone can offer and get care in a local care circle thanks to jointly created, tailormade care solutions?
The crossover project OpenCareLab looked thoroughly into the issue and came up with solutions for the future.
In the Mercator project Flanders Inshape and Voka – Chamber of Commerce wanted to define and understand the influence of design-driven innovation on the success of prominent businesses to allow them to inform and sensibilize other companies.
The purpose of the project was to implement statistic models in a CAD environment to allow many businesses and service providers to develop better body-specific products (glasses, gloves, helmets, shoes, hearing aids, headsets…) based on large databases with specific and useful information.
The Flemish Ministry of Education and Training, Professional Training service (DBO) and Flanders Inshape joined forces to transform the often temporary collaboration tracks between education and business into more stable partnerships. Partnerships with a sustainable character that strive to reach win-win situations. In Service Design sessions a systematic approach was developed, that can be implemented more consistently in the regional context. The Service Design approach contributes to companies better responding to educational programs that schools offer and schools gaining a better insight into what companies want to offer and can offer and how they deal with their services.
With NweRIDE we wanted to increase the number of passengers per car by connecting different existing ridesharing systems in Northwestern Europe.
CREDO, Creatief (door)starten
In this project we investigate the (need for) support for creative entrepreneurs.
Olympus was 1 of the five experimental platforms for electric vehicles approved by the Flemish Government in July 2011. This experimental platform focused on networked mobility solutions and a seamless connection between private transport, public transport and shared vehicles.
With Watertruck we wanted to further develop the freight transport on small waterways and optimize it with the introduction of a new navigation concept consisting of a push tug and fitted pushed barges. As a result, an efficient and flexible road transport model is applied to inland navigation
By anticipating trends in both product development and mobility, Flanders Inshape and IDE (Innovatie & Design Euregio), in collaboration with Smart Mobility, built innovative prototypes for a new mobility.
Intelligente Walsen
With the ‘Smart roadroller’ project, Smart Mobility researched how using smart systems can further improve asphalt paving of roads, by replacing quality control on pavements, currently done after the work has finished, with tests during the paving procedure.
Digitaal platform Minder Hinder
To limit disruptions due to road work, Smart Mobility set up a Minder Hinder (Less Disruption) plan and a Minder Hinder test for a uniform and transparent policy on the limitation of disruption for large as well as small road work projects, on main roads as well as secondary roads, at busy intersections as well as quiet local squares.
Build over Water
Research into how the transportation of building materials can be moved to waterways was done through twelve trial runs with palletized building materials, complemented with research into how regions can be opened up using water-based distribution centers.
Corporate Sustainable Intrapreneurship (CSI)
In this project, we will develop a training program to support and train employees so that they can contribute to the development of the organization within a sustainability and innovation framework.
Adoption of co-creation processes
The research project Adoption of Co-creation processes was aimed at ensuring that companies use co-creation processes to innovate. The main focus was on the prior conditions needed in the context of businesses that operate in a multi-stakeholder context, for SMEs and for businesses working in a B2B context.