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Research business design thinking innovation 2
Leading Organizational Transformation
Business Design & Innovation
Corporate Sustainable Intrapreneurship (CSI)

Business Design & Innovation

Corporate Sustainable Intrapreneurship (CSI)

In this project, we will develop a training program to support and train employees so that they can contribute to the development of the organization within a sustainability and innovation framework.

Type project ESF, Innovation through Adaptation
Project partners Tabor Group, the Social Innovation Factory, AMS
Duration April 01, 2020 - April 30, 2022
Contact person Andries Reymer

This research project was established with the support of the European Social Fund.

The health care industry has been under severe pressure for several years now. “Care” has become a complex set of services and products that care and social workers need to take care of to meet all needs and wishes. The industry faces a major challenge: How can we, within a tight labor market and budgetary constraints, strengthen initiative among care and social workers so that they can give new / renewed / lasting purpose to their job?

Onderzoekspagina CSI

Through the services we will be developing within this project, we want to improve innovative working behavior and organizational learning capability. We will do so within a jointly underpinned sustainability framework.

By combining varying AMS expertise, we can provide a full service, starting from an integrated value model to an intrapreneurship training program. This will not only enable employees to take full advantage of opportunities, but also to face the future with more confidence.

With these services, the organization will get a clear vision on sustainability and integrated value and will also be able to translate this into expertise and innovation confidence among the staff.

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