Business Design & Innovation
The Flemish Ministry of Education and Training, Professional Training service (DBO) and Flanders Inshape joined forces to transform the often temporary collaboration tracks between education and business into more stable partnerships. Partnerships with a sustainable character that strive to reach win-win situations. In Service Design sessions a systematic approach was developed, that can be implemented more consistently in the regional context. The Service Design approach contributes to companies better responding to educational programs that schools offer and schools gaining a better insight into what companies want to offer and can offer and how they deal with their services.
This research project was established with the support of the European Social Fund.
Service Design tools
In total, the ESF Project LINK contained 10 Service Design workshops, in which education and business together made up the workshop teams. Flanders Inshape introduced participants from both worlds to the Service Design tools.
This resulted in a toolbook containing the different collaboration tracks with their perception files and improved service blueprint. The toolbook also offers the fine-tuned Service Design tools for everyone who wants to set up a sustainable collaboration between education and industry.