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Preparing for CSRD: 3 tips for a credible and compliant sustainability report

The significance of corporate sustainability reporting is increasing, driven by EU CSRD regulations. It underscores the imperative for companies to authentically acknowledge and mitigate their social and ecological footprints. Compliance with CSRD entails comprehensive reporting across diverse domains, mandating rigorous risk assessment and transparency. Dr. Jan Beyne, sustainability expert, offers essential tips for effective reporting.

Bert Schreurs

Wellbeing works: Results after 1 year of research on workplace well-being interventions

Are you interested in bottom-up insights into what leaders indicate they need to ensure the well-being of their teams? Do you want to understand in which areas an organization can directly impact the well-being of its employees, and where that influence does not apply? During this event, the results of one year of research "Wellbeing Works" will be shared through interactive sessions and a panel discussion.

Hakim Benichou

Jan Laurijssen

Jan Laurijssen

Jesse Segers

How can I, as an employer, determine what is truly effective for workplace well-being?

Four domains influence employee well-being: societal context, private context, personality factors, and work context. Employers can primarily influence the work context, which encompasses energy, essential needs, potential, and reciprocity. This provides opportunities to enhance employee well-being by reducing adverse factors and creating stimulating environments.

Join the Plogathon! Together against litter!

Join the Antwerp Plogathon on May 25 2024!

The students of Antwerp Management School invite you to help tidy up our beautiful city, by picking up as much litter as you can. With some healthy competition and an amazing vibe all around, we're sure to accomplish much!

It's not about how fast you go, but about making a difference together, so whether you're young or old, big or small, everyone is welcome!

Sarie Leroy