Below you can find some testimonials of companies with which we have worked successfully before.
An inspirational and sustainable partnership for lifelong learning
The story of Katoen Natie
As an organizations, it's no luxury to have a well thought out strategy to keep your top talents on board and to make sure they can continue to grow, in line with your company mission.
That's exactly the reason why Antwerp Management School partners with organizations like Katoen Natie. In this video you'll discover how this partnership helps them to achieve their learning ambitions in a very unique and outstanding way.
AMS's impactful online learning methods
In 2021, Corona forced our management school to transition from oncampus to online teaching at lightning speed. Because transformation is in our DNA, we seized this opportunity to future-proof our expertise and infrastructure. Not only did we secure the connection with our students and participants; we developed a whole new way of teaching.
Why corona should not interfere with your learning trajectory?
The story of Port of Antwerp
Corona forces us to postpone numerous activities. For your organization's learning trajectories, that might not be the smartest thing to do. In this video Port of Antwerp testifies how they, together with Antwerp Management School, successfully transformed their Senior Management Program into an online learning track.
Sofie Stockmans, Port of Antwerp: "This way of teaching was well received by the participants, even better than we expected. The interaction and the way of teaching were actually as lively and animated as when physically sitting across from each other."
How to develop the future leaders of your company?
The story of Eurochem
EuroChem is a global mineral mining company. They approached AMS because they want to nurture their young talents by guiding them through a high potential leadership program, structured on their own value chain.
Filip Dejongh, CEO EuroChem Antwerp: “The future leaders of EuroChem have to be persons who are developed by EuroChem. That’s why this High Potential Leadership program is so important for us.”
How can we adapt our services to tomorrow's businesses?
The story of Grant Thornton
Grant Thornton Belgium is part of Grant Thornton International, one of the world's largest networks of independent accounting and consulting firms. Together with AMS, they completed a leadership and innovation process with the focus on: - How can we adapt our services to tomorrow's businesses? - How can we ensure that we keep our employers on board and that we offer then enough challenges?
"AMS had already proven to be a reliable partner with both in-house and readily available external expertise. The intense coaching, the immaculate environment and the strong interaction between the academic part and the practical part proved to be, for the fourth time in a row, a huge added value for our city administration. The participants were provided with an academically founded, yet practice-oriented curriculum which resulted in more efficient and effective operations. The impact was thus not limited to the participants: the track proved to be an added value for the entire group and even for our customers." — Tom Braem, Consultant Social Administration @ City of Antwerp
How to innovate faster and smarter?
The story of Aquafin
How to better tap the innovative potential in a company? At Aquafin, they've been working with fifteen innovation accelerators for a year now, and they've already got just as many projects in the pipeline.
Read the blog

How can our junior managers develop their leadership identity?
The story of Oona
Oona is a full-service content agency with a unique vision on content, PR, social media and marketing influencer. As they say themselves, participating into the Start to Lead-program was one of their most important decisions. In this video, the Oona's explain how this journey helped them grow their careers and personality.
Within the Start to Lead trajectory, we start from a leadership definition which doesn’t impose or provides you with a blueprint of effective leadership. We focus on 'identity work'. This means we help (future) leaders to better understand their leadership role and their identity as a leader.
3 different tailor made leadership trajectories
The story of Soudal
Soudal is a Belgian manufacturer of silicones, putty, polyurethane foam, adhesives and waterproofing products in the construction sector. With more than 60 branches in different countries, they work in a very international context. Due to their rapid growth, the organization became increasingly complex. AMS guided them through a national and international leadership trajectory.
How to transform medical specialists in strong leaders?
The story of AZ Klina
As an acute reference hospital, AZ Klina offers patients and referrers from the North-Antwerp and Noorderkempen region accessible, demonstrable high-quality care. They play a leading role in top clinical care in the wider region. With AMS as a partner, the hospital developed the 'clinical leadership program' to develop the leadership skills of its medical specialists.