The Master Class consists of several parts each addressing specific topics. You can register for the Master Class as a whole, or for one of the separate parts. Throughout the Master Class, models and concepts are taught, illustrated and practiced with cases and exercises. All in-class sessions will be highly interactive, with a lot of focus on sharing experiences and challenging ideas.
Part 1 & 2: Diagnosing the Enterprise Architecture
This module discusses the broader organizational context of the digital enterprise. It describes the enterprise as a system that can be (re)designed taking into account IT systems, business processes and organizational objectives. The content of the module provides a pragmatic approach for alignment of the organization’s functional strategy with the organizations constructional design. It covers:
- Defining enterprise architecture within the enterprise design;
- Mastering organizational complexity;
- Designing the organization, defining design principles and realizing strategic objectives;
- The opportunities and constraints of the modeling the organizations, i.e. what is an enterprise model?;
- Application workshops using DEMO as an example of architecture & engineering methodologies.
Part 3: Engineering Agility & Evolvability
This module offers you theoretical insights and a practical toolbox to handle the complexity and time-consuming implications of change. It will deal with changes in the organization, the enterprise architecture, all business processes, documentation and IT systems. Participants will obtain insights in, and develop solutions for, the dynamics and traceability issues of changes. Based on Normalized Systems Theory, the curriculum includes identifying and resolving the effects of change within the organization’s structures, processes and systems. It covers:
- Learning the difference between descriptive and prescriptive architecture;
- Realizing stability, being the combination of evolvability and continuity;
- Understanding the difference between static and dynamic modularity;
- Practicing the incorporation of engineering principles in the design of the enterprise.
We strongly advise you to follow part 3 after completing successfully Part 1 & 2. Contact the Program Director for more information.