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Eva Geluk
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Eva Geluk

Function Researcher Human Centered Design, senior project lead Stress and Burnout


  • Stress, burn-out prevention and re-integration (also absenteeism)
  • Mental health in the workplace
  • Resilience and engagement
  • Intervention
  • Research within mental health in the workplace
  • Jobdesign


  • Bpost
  • B-Tonic
  • Certimed
  • ESF
  • Mensura
  • VSEB
  • Vlaamse overheid

Eva Geluk, PHD candidate, is a senior researcher and project leader at Antwerp Management School in the field of mental health in the workplace. She develops and leads research programs in the field of mental health in the workplace with a special interest in stress management, long-term stress-related illness (prevention and return to work), engagement/engagement and resilience. She is a member of the research team of "Next Generation Work".

Previously she was responsible for the knowledge center sustainable entrepreneurship at Antwerp Management School which she developed in a period of 7 years into a leading center with 2 chairs, supported by a team of researchers, with both national and international reputation, in collaboration with various partners from the profit, public and non profit sector. She also led international networks on the topics of responsible management education and sustainability.

Before joining Antwerp Management School, Eva worked internationally for 9 years on an advisory and consultancy basis for large organizations and multinationals. Her experience enables her to take a broad look at the complex challenges companies face today and to create a win-win in the field of applied research in collaboration.

She is also a certified executive and stress and burnout coach (International Coaching Federation PCC). Over the past 12 years Eva has developed a strong expertise in leadership coaching from a neuroscience perspective, executive coaching and stress and burnout coaching. She is observer and coache for the AMS Neurotraining Lab in leadership programs.

She holds a ground level degree in social anthropology from the University of Oslo, a Bachelor in geography and environmental studies with international development studies (multidisciplinary degree) from the University of Sussex (1997-2000) and a Master with merit in International Conflict Studies from the University of Kent (2004-2005). She is currently a candidate for a joint PHD with the University of Antwerp/University of Leuven on the topic of re-integration after burn-out.

Eva Geluk, PHD candidate, is a senior researcher and project leader at Antwerp Management School in the field of mental health in the workplace where she develops and leads research programs in the field of mental health in the workplace with a special interest in stress management, long-term stress-related illness (prevention and return to work), engagement/engagement and resilience. Previously she was responsible for the knowledge center sustainable entrepreneurship at the Antwerp Management School which she developed in a period of 7 years into a leading center with 2 chairs, supported by a team of researchers, with both national and international reputation, in collaboration with various partners from the profit, public and non profit sector.

Before joining Antwerp Management School, Eva worked internationally for 9 years on an advisory and consultancy basis for large organizations and multinationals.

Her experience enables her to take a broad look at the complex challenges companies face today and to create a win-win in the field of applied research in collaboration.

She is also a certified executive and stress and burnout coach (International Coaching Federation). Over the past 12 years Eva has developed a strong expertise in leadership coaching from a neuroscience perspective, executive coaching and stress and burnout coaching and coaches for the AMS Neurotraining Lab in leadership programs.

Recent publications

Research projects