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Research future of work
Enabling Human Impact
Next generation work
Research projects

Next generation work


With the AMoS project we want to reach young people in the Ghent region who are not in employment, education or training (NEETs) and try to activate them through commercial techniques of online marketing, such as a mix of advertisements, stories and movies, tailored to their lifestyle.

Type project ESF-Innovation through adaptation
Project partners Samen Leven Oost-Vlaanderen vzw (Promotor,) KOPA Werkwillig vzw, OCMW Gent, Ethercentrum vzw, Chase Creative and Sinzer
Duration January 01, 2020 - March 31, 2022

With the financial support provided by the European Social Fund.

With the AMoS project we want to reach young people in the Ghent region who are not in employment, education or training (NEETs) and try to activate them through commercial techniques of online marketing, such as a mix of advertisements, stories and movies, tailored to their lifestyle.This should lead to active communication with and counseling of the young people so that they feel motivated again to take their careers and futures into their own hands. If necessary, we can approach current providers who can guide them to a sustainable job or training program.

Young people in Flanders are not immediately entitled to unemployment benefits after leaving school. Flanders also has a high rate of youth unemployment, which means that finding a job is not easy. And when young people do manage to land a job, it is often poorly paid, precarious work. Many young people thus end up in poverty. The last safety net then, is the application for the guaranteed minimum income at the PCSW.

Onderzoeksproject Amo S website

We believe that we can develop a valuable additional service for this target group in the stage leading to the PCSW or another route to work.

We want to work together with the young people and the PCSW social workers to turn this route into leverage (and thus into a positive story), which will effectively increase their chances on the labor market, make them feel more in control of their lives and enable them to take their career in their hands. It is key to detect this hard to reach target group.

Within this project we want to develop and test a product that reaches and guides these young people. We want to do this in a largely digital way. Everyone has a smartphone nowadays, and almost everyone uses social media. Through targeted ads, tailored to the young people and their environment, we want to activate them. We then want to personally coach them and lead them to employment services. So it comes down to activate – motivate – start.

Through this pilot project we want to help young people take control of their lives and futures and promote their social participation.