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Enabling Human Impact
Next generation work
Research projects
Co-sourcing as a solution for the extension of…

Next generation work

Co-sourcing as a solution for the extension of working life?

Research on the possibilities and critical success factors of co-sourcing as a solution for longer and sustainable careers.

Type project project in collaboration with Experience@Work, as part of the SD Worx Chair “Next generation work: Creating Sustainable Careers"
Project partners Experience@Work, SD Worx
Duration January 01, 2017 - January 01, 2020
Contact person Ans De Vos, PhD


Classic career management is limited to the context of the organization with a focus on upward mobility and retention. Longer working life, combined with a fast evolving business context, demands innovative solutions for sustainable careers.


Experience@work, a collaboration between several large businesses, breaks this image and focuses on opportunities for older employees to start working in a different organization – usually a social profit organization or SME – while keeping their labor contract. This offers the opportunity of new challenges and renewed commitment for the employee, while the hiring organization gets the opportunity to contract a senior profile for whom they would not normally have the means.

At the same time, this step outside the organization is not an obvious choice for older employees. In a first phase, this project investigates the factors that influence a successful transition. In a second phase, we are currently investigating the incentives that can increase the target group’s interest for such a career move as well as barriers that must be removed.


Phase 1 (2017): interviews with older employees who started working at another organization through Experience@Work, with their former and their current manager.

Phase 2 (2019): focus groups with the target group of older employees in some of the organizations concerned to map out incentives and barriers.


Guidance for organizations on creating sustainable career management that goes beyond the classic organizational boundaries.


White paper on the possibilities and success factors of co-sourcing as a solution for the extension of working life.

Guidance on the mobilization of senior talent in organizations.

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Ans devos

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Function Chairholder SD Worx Next Generation Work: Creating Sustainable Careers, associate dean of education,  academic director Global Leadership Skills full-time master's programs. Professor Talent Management
Ans devos

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