Next generation work
Loopbanen in Innovatieve Arbeidsorganisaties
ESF project “Innovation through Exploration”: research project on the impact of the shift towards Innovative Labor Organizations (ILO) on the careers of employees, and the development of an intervention that should support employees in ILO in their careers.
This research project was established with the support of the European Social Fund.
Breakdown career ladder
The breakdown of hierarchic bureaucracies implies a breakdown of the typical career ladder, strict rules for promotion and upward moves. It requires a different interpretation of careers and a different career management.
Support careers in ILO
This “Innovation through exploration” project first investigated what the service needs are to support the careers of employees in an ILO. The insights from this prior research are used for the development of a “career tool with self-organizing teams”.
Over the past 2 years, AMS, Tabor group and Workitects have worked together on the development of LIZET, a set of playful methodologies that allow self-organizing teams to start working on careers, as an alternative to a traditional career policy. With this we respond to the growing demand from organizations and employees to align needs more flexibly. The methodologies are developed to approach careers both on an individual and team level. Currently 49 teams in 9 organizations are testing the tools.
The toolset will be put at the disposal of a large target group of ILOs and self-organizing teams. The set and additional insights obtained from the research will be embedded in the Master Class Innovative Labor Organization at Antwerp Management School.