Next generation work
Reintegration after burnout
With this project we want to tackle the societal challenge of the reintegration of workers after a burnout. In this way, we are responding to the increase of long-term sick leave related to burnout. The research focuses on levers and drivers for a successful return to work.
Training Re-Set Facilitator: Reintegration after burnout
Learn how you can use job shadowing to better match the resumption of work after burnout with the motivation and needs of the employee.
In this training we build on your basic knowledge about stress, burnout and reintegration and give you new insights. You will learn how to use job search to better match the resumption of work after burnout with the motivation and needs of the employee. You will also learn how you can make the resumption of work process
You will also learn how to make the process of resuming work positive for the employer by focusing on awareness and growth of the organization. Besides new insights, the Re-Set toolbox also provides practical tools.
At the end of the training you will have everything you need to be the central and neutral spider in the web that makes work resumption a positive experience for both employer and employee. Afterwards, you can work with this on an independent basis. You also have the opportunity to become part of the pool of Re Set facilitators of Certimed. They offer this service to their customers.
Download the brochure for more information (in Dutch)

Re-Set Toolbox
Based on the research results, we co-created with all relevant actors a concept in which the growth of people and organizations is central: Re-Set.
We deliberately put emphasis on a positive approach, with a key role for a neutral, independent coordinator. With the help of some tools like cards, a digital scan and a dashboard (the Re-Set Toolbox), this person can create a safe environment. From there on he or she can set up and plan the process of support for work resumption and create the necessary conditions. This is done in consultation with all parties involved. A multidisciplinary approach, awareness-raising, job sculpting and the increase of supporting activities are key.
Re-set is an evidence-based approach, founded on four levers stemming from the research:
- going through a reconfiguration at work: adjustments in job tasks and job relationships;
- increasing resources such as feedback, coaching and growth;
- a coordinated, structured plan of approach with attention for adjustment possibilities, temporisation and customisation;
- increasing awareness on the work floor.
About the Re-Set Research project
This research project was established with the support of the European Social Fund.
Belgium is heading towards half a million long-term sick people. In one in three cases, the cause is mental health problems, including burnout. Remarkably, half of those who suffer from burnout are afraid of relapsing. And not without reason: one in four of those who return to work actually has a relapse. Where does it go wrong? And how can employers and HR-professionals address this better in the future?
Long-term sick leave related to burnout is steadily increasing. Moreover, 25% of those who return to work experience a relapse. The direct and indirect costs to society, employers and individuals are high. By focusing on better work resumption and reducing absenteeism, we want to turn the tide. To this end, we are developing a new service package.
This ESF innovation project consists of several phases:
- Concept validation based on qualitative and quantitative research
- Service design
- Pilot phase
During the research phase, we defined different levers for a
successful return to work, and we examined the needs and requirements of
employees in this process. Given the complexity of both burnout and
work resumption, we also mapped the needs and requirements of varying
supporting services. Within this multi-stakeholder approach, we used the
techniques of interviews, focus groups and surveys.

Levers for succesful work resumption after burnout
Why is it that more and more people are ill for long periods because of burnout? Despite all the attention paid to prevention and well-being, both in the private sphere and at work? Why do so many people become ill again or are afraid of relapsing when they return to work?
Based on an analysis of success factors, the research identified four levers for successful reintegration after burnout.
Re-Set Facilitator: Reintegration after burn-out
This training starts from the growth of people and organizations. It is an evidence-based approach, based on four levers derived from research:
- going through a reconfiguration at work: adjustments in job tasks and job relationships;
- increasing resources such as feedback, coaching and growth;
- a co-ordinated, structured plan of approach with attention for possibilities for regulation, temporisation and customisation;
- increasing awareness on the shop floor.
Whitepaper: co-crafting for a successful return to work after burnout
Reintegration after burnout is a complex process in which both employees and employers play a critical role. How does your organization approach this process.
Download the white paper and explore insights into this journey.
Re-Set services in your organization
Are you interested in the Re-Set services? Do you want to see what the Re-Set Facilitator can mean for your organization?
Then contact Christel Schabon on 0475802103 or christel.schabon@certimed.be
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