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CARST: A stakeholder perspective on sustainable…

Next generation work

CARST: A stakeholder perspective on sustainable careers

The EOS-CARST project is an inter-university research project to enhance our understanding of how organizational and individual career management can lead to career sustainability, applying a multiple stakeholder perspective.

Type project Sustainable careers
Project partners Antwerp Management School, University of Liège / HEC & University of Leuven / Funding: EOS, Excellence of Science Project (FWO / F.R.S.-FRNS)
Duration January 01, 2019 - December 31, 2023
Contact person Sofie Jacobs, PhD

Career stakeholders

In a traditional view on careers, organizations and employees are the two key parties in career management. With the increase in flexible work (freelancers, temporary project members, etc.) and the rise in dual-income households, however, this focus has become too narrow.

What determines the sustainability of a career?

Through the project ‘A stakeholder perspective on sustainable careers’ we want to get a better view on how organizational and individual career management can lead to sustainable careers when multiple stakeholders are involved.

On the one hand, we will investigate what determines career sustainability for people working in non-traditional forms of collaboration, such as an external employee in a project team. On the other hand, we will focus on employees from dual-income households and study the partner’s influence on an employee's career decisions. In this project, we will broaden the focus of career management and look at the role of a wider group of stakeholders within the organization (managers), on the labor market (employment facilitators) and at home (partner).

EOS team2

Objectives on an organizational and individual level

Within this research project, we focus on two increasingly important groups in the current labor market:

  • project-based employees who are involved in one or more projects during a certain period of time, for one or more clients;
  • dual earners, represented by dual-income households and employees.

The project has multiple objectives that underpin a systematic approach. At the organizational level, we will map out the effects of the organization's career policy on both permanent and (external) project-based employees, and the stakeholders (managers, external parties) that are involved.

At the individual level, we want to show how multiple stakeholders influence the way people deal with their own career. The aim is to develop practical tools for sustainable career management that enable employees to be happy, healthy and productive throughout their career.

To properly answer these research questions, we will use both qualitative and quantitative methods in the research design.

Challenges and opportunities project-based workers and / or dual earner workers

During the project, the following research questions will be answered:

  • What are the career management challenges and opportunities for organizations when working with project-based workers and / or dual earner workers?
  • What are the career management challenges and opportunities for individuals who are project-based workers and / or dual earner workers?
  • What are the most sustainable career patterns for individuals who are project-based workers and / or dual earner workers?

Insight and tool development

  • Insight into the role of different stakeholders in the (sustainable) career of employees
  • Tools for sustainable career management

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Function Associate professor HRM & Talent Development, Academic Director Global Leadership Program, Academic Mentor Executive PhD Program. Professor HR & People Fundamentals
Jacobs Sofie