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Master in Finance

Master in Finance

The world of finance is a universal business language, and every organization could use a good interpreter. The Master in Finance takes you on a journey through all the major investment and risk questions as the ultimate preparation for the real workspace. Are you passionate about numbers? Discover how to make them work for your business and turn them into concrete plans in a range of industries. Together we'll explore and refine your talents so that your name becomes synonymous with "the finance expert”.



First start date



1 year


Antwerp, Belgium

Training days

Full-Time, ideal for young professionals and recent graduates


Master in Finance



First start date



1 year


Antwerp, Belgium

Training days

Full-Time, ideal for young professionals and recent graduates


Master in Finance
Master in Finance


Core Curriculum

Financial Modeling & Data Analytics

In the world of finance, Excel is your best friend. After this course you will know the ins and outs of this program and know how to use it to your advantage in different financial contexts. You'll effortlessly implement financial models, analyze the data and turn it into informed decisions that put your company on the path to a bright future. With this knowledge, you'll walk smoothly through the curriculum and have a workable foundation for any consulting project.

Empirical Research in Finance

With a critical eye, you'll make sure the chosen financial method is the right one. We take you through some of the most popular empirical research methods that help you critically analyze and evaluate financial concepts. This will prepare you to predict market trends, evaluate financial products and develop new financial models, bridging the gap from theory to practice.

Global Financial Markets

The world of finance can get complex, especially when you look at the global picture. But with a broad basic knowledge of global financial markets and products, the associated legislations and management topics, you'll have the ammunition to make the right decisions on a global scale - right along with the rhythm of the rapidly changing financial environment.

Company Valuation

How much is your organization worth? And how do financing and ownership play a role in that? This can be determined in a variety of ways, and there are just as many factors that influence this estimate. This course explores the various dimensions and models of business valuation, and how to make reasonable estimates of cash flow and cost of capital.

Emerging Trends in Global Finance

This course provides a comprehensive exploration of the latest developments within the finance industry and their impact on it. This understanding of emerging trends will turn you into an agile finance professional who is always one step ahead of these movements. And thanks to the many group discussions, presentations and essays, you'll know how to communicate your findings in a clear and focused way.

Advanced Investment Analysis

With the knowledge accumulated so far, we will zoom in on investment strategies and asset pricing. Your critical thinking skills, empirical analysis and insights into market dynamics are the key ingredients to design, develop and evaluate investment strategies. Thus, we give a solid boost to any student considering a career in investment banking, asset management, financial advisory or portfolio management.

Financial Risk Management

No investment without risk. But to keep those risks as small and as calculated as possible, we will present the ideal mix of financial risk management and models and techniques from the derivatives market. Add to that a solid knowledge of statistical and financial modeling software, and you will walk out with the know-how to guide your organization smartly through the investment landscape.

Master Project

The Master Project is the culmination of your education, where everything comes together. One research question is all you need to prove that you are ready to tackle complex financial issues, both inside and outside the classroom. Sink your teeth in this all-encompassing project and apply all your theoretical knowledge and practical skills to arrive at a concrete, workable solution.

Note: This curriculum is subject to change.

Data science bootcamp

Programming skills in R are not only essential to successfully complete the courses Advanced Investment Analysis, Empirical Research in Finance and the Master Project, the program is also a true industry favorite. Moreover, data-science skills are becoming increasingly important in the financial sector for risk management, investment analysis and strategy development based on large data sets. Thanks to this course, you will know what to do when R is pushed under your nose in the workplace.

Online (Pre-)Master Course

The goal of this course is to ensure that you and your classmates start with the same foundation by teaching or refreshing basic knowledge. Upon completion of your enrollment, you will gain access to the online videos and exercises, which you can independently explore until the start of the academic year. Then, your knowledge will be evaluated with a small exam and personal feedback.

By the way, this course is a perfect preparation for those who want to pass CFA level 1, as up to 90% of the quantitative skills required by the CFA Institute are covered here.

Why is this a Pre-Master Course? Depending on your profile, you will take this course either after finalizing your application procedure and before the beginning of the academic year, or as a part of the application procedure to evaluate whether your skills are strong enough to take part in the program.

Read more about it on the Practical Information page.

CAF Project

Social awareness and responsibility are core values of any AMS degree program. In the Master in Finance, you will get the chance to put these into practice by making the financial management of an NGO or industry partner more efficient. Together with your team, you will transform the research question into a concise, user-friendly and flexible Excel-based solution - and convince the client of it in a swinging pitch.


In addition to the standard curriculum, you also have the opportunity to enrich your studies with electives, in the form of an intensive week of classes, entirely devoted to a topic that is relevant and interesting to you. We always provide an extensive choice between topics from the current geopolitical climate, relevant world news and future-proof insights.

To give you an idea, this list shows some of the electives from previous years.

  • Digital Transformation
  • Designing Business Models for Future Growth
  • Geopolitical Challenges
  • Emerging Asian Markets
  • International Healthcare Management
  • Organizing for the Digital Future

Global Leadership

Your personal development is just as important as the technical knowledge you will gain this year. Therefore, this module challenges you to get to know yourself better: What is your personality like? How do you work with others? What career goals do you want to pursue? This valuable awareness and the soft skills that go with it will strengthen you as a person to take the next professional step and put you in a good light with recruiters.

Learning objectives

After completing this program

  • ...you possess a range of financial skills, from portfolio management and derivative pricing to business decision-making skills.
  • ...you know how to strategically implement the theoretical concepts of financial management for successful financial policies.
  • ...know how to identify and evaluate your options to solve complex financial problems.
  • ...you know the importance of empirical research methods and know how to apply them precisely to determine the best financial method.
  • ...your professional pitching and communication skills have been sharpened, and you can easily convince your organization of your financial plans and advice.
  • ...you have built up sufficient experience to make analytical and practical decisions that take your company to the next level.

Start the application procedure

Every year we only accept a select amount of candidates. We advise you to start the noncommittal application process as soon as possible.

Julie Hillewaert WEB

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Function Program advisor full-time master's programs
Julie Hillewaert WEB

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