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Sustainable Career Paths

Next generation work

Sustainable Career Paths

The aim of this project is to unravel sustainable career paths. How do these careers develop? Which different pathways can we discover?

Project partners House of HR, Jos Akkermans (University of Amsterdam)
Duration June 01, 2021 - December 31, 2022
Contact person Sofie Jacobs, PhD

Subjective success as one of the factors of a sustainable career

When people talk about careers, they rather often talk about making the right career choice, finding the right job, and having a certain security in the job. Career success is often seen as making upward moves and salary growth.

In this project we want to provide a realistic and contemporary perspective on careers. Sustainable careers are an ongoing dynamic process where people are not only driven by objective success, but also by many forms of subjective success.

STC path website

The focus of the project will be on the following research questions:

  • Which pathways towards objective and subjective career success can we unravel?
  • Can we distinguish different trajectories depending on the importance attached to certain career goals?
  • How are the different elements of a sustainable career balanced (happy, healthy, productive)? Which factors are impacting this balance?
  • What is the impact of career mobility, employability and career resources regarding sustainable career paths?

In November 2021, 1.600 employees in Belgium and the Netherlands participated in an online survey around the following topics: career success, career goals, sustainable careers, career regret, career mobility, career resources and career shocks.

The results of this survey will be presented in a series of white papers, blogs and presentations.

On the one hand, this project will gather important information for job seekers and graduates. It will inform them about possible career pathways and the impact different elements have on a career.

On the other hand, all other employees can be inspired by discovering different career possibilities and how to balance your career in order to create a sustainable career pathway.

Blog goede voornemens

Blog 'Mentors, job switches and finding your calling: 5 great resolutions for your career'

What lies ahead of us and our jobs in 2022? Professor Sofie Jacobs surveyed together with House of HR, 1.600 respondents from Belgium and the Netherlands about their career choices and job satisfaction and distilled 5 professional resolutions from this.

Read the blog here

WP1 Careers in perspective ENG

White paper 1: Careers in perspective

Sustainable careers and career mobility in Belgium and the Netherlands.

This white paper is the first of three in the series. With this series, we want to unravel careers in Belgium and the Netherlands and give expression to the different career stories of employees.

In collaboration with House of HR.

Read the white paper here.

WP2 cover ENG

White paper 2: Career goals and career success

In the second white paper, we look at careers from different perspectives on career success and find out what career goals the respondents are pursuing.

In collaboration with House of HR.

Read the white paper here.

Cover WP3 ENG

Careers in perspective - Proactive career behaviour, career shocks & regrets

In this white paper, we look at what impact individuals themselves can have on their careers, whether they regret certain things and what effect a sudden event can have on careers.

In collaboration with House of HR.

Read the white paper here.


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Jacobs Sofie

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Function Associate professor HRM & Talent Development, Academic Director Global Leadership Program, Academic Mentor Executive PhD Program. Professor HR & People Fundamentals
Jacobs Sofie

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